call: 07415 360691
test image We're on a CRUSADE to help you achieve driving excellence through informative, enjoyable driving lessons.
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T's & C's

Our Terms and Conditions Are Really Important.

We would like you to read our T's and C's because they are not designed to trap you, in fact quite the opposite.
We have surveyed many learner drivers who have joined CRUSADE Driving School after leaving another school, we ask "Why change school?"

It appears that many driving schools have a churn and burn process and seldom care for their customers, this is probably why CRUSADE Driving School is so popular. It's not just that we have good pass rates but we treat you the customer in a way we would like to be treated ourselves.

You will be respected, treated as an equal and you will never witness any shouting or behaviour you would prefer not to be on the receiving end of. Please take your time and read our very positive Terms and Conditions; we are sure you will appreciate them.

By undertaking lessons with Crusade Driving School you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions;

  • Prices and Packages are subject to change, 1 months notice will be given before any change however any increase in prices will not affect packages that have already been purchased.
  • Our lesson base rate is £42 per hour.
  • All lessons booked with the instructor must be paid in full unless a full 48 hours notice of cancellation is given.  This cancellation policy will be enforced without exception.
  • All students must hold a current and valid driving license. A provisional, full or international license must be produced in advance at the start of your first driving lesson.
  • All students must have their license with them for all driving lessons.
  • You must inform your instructor immediately of any pending endorsements or of any endorsements received during the period of receiving tuition.
  • You must be fit to drive with regard to legal and medical requirements (including but not limited to alcohol, legal and non-legal drugs). Our instructors reserve the right to cancel a lesson at short notice if it is suspected the student may be unfit to drive due to the effects of alcohol, legal or non-legal drugs. In such circumstances the lesson fee is still payable.
  • No other person will be in the car during your lesson unless you have requested or agreed to it.
  • You will be contacted if the instructor will be late (if the instructor is late the time will be made up at the end of the lesson or when mutually convenient to both parties).
  • In the event of a problem with the tuition vehicle, breakdown etc any lost lesson time will be made up when mutually convenient to both parties.
  • The instructor will never shout, swear or use demeaning language towards you or anyone else.
  • The instructor will never touch you unless it is to control the car in an emergency.
  • The instructor will not make or respond to phone calls or text messages during your lesson.
  • The instructor will not smoke during the lesson and the car will not smell smokey or unpleasant.
  • The instructor will not eat during your lesson.
  • Each of your lessons will be tailored to your needs with mutually agreed goals for that lesson and the progress marked in your Pupil Record Log.
  • In cases of bad weather the instructor will put safety first and it will be their decision whether the lesson takes place.
  • Before you take your practical test you will have taken a mock test.
  • Final decision of test readiness is the instructors alone and non negotiable.
  • You will have taken and passed a mock test.
  • Assessment of test readiness is in no way a guarantee of a test pass.
  • You may on occasion receive a call from Trevor Conway for quality control purposes.
  • Your instructor is a self employed franchisee and as such the pupils contract is with the instructor and not CRUSADE Driving School. In the event of any dispute the pupils first point of contact should be their instructor. If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably CRUSADE Driving School will mediate and their decision is final.
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